Tracked Machines is Proud to Announce Availability of Franchise Distributorships for the United States, Canada & Mexico

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Tracked Machines is Proud to Announce Availability of Franchise Distributorships for the United States, Canada & Mexico

ATLANTA, GEORGIA - With over 35 years in the Manufacturing Industry, Tracked Machines Italia has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of specialized equipment. The TowTrack Automotive Robot has been named the “Most Technology Advanced Equipment in the World!! Over 8000 Machines in Use, Serving 53 Countries, With Over 6 million Vehicle Movements Worldwide!” This equipment includes the World Famous TowTrack Automotive Robot and the CarMoverXL Machines that have multiple patents pending for each machine and are both classified as “New Technology” because these machines solve new vehicle movement problems associated with all-wheel-drive vehicles and Electric Vehicles that are extremely heavy for most wrecker tow trucks and lack ability of movement when disabled. This is due to the EV’s inability to go into neutral or roll. There is no other equipment available or comparable in the world that can do what these machines can do.

Tracked Machines North America is offering the availability to purchase Franchise Distributorships for the United States, Mexico, and Canada. These franchise locations would offer retail sales and distribution of all machines offered by Tracked Machines North America. The North American Machines distributed in North America are built differently than the machines distributed in Europe. Tracked Machines is looking for qualified companies or individuals that qualify and meet certain background, financial and ethical requirements. A minimum financial investment and commitment is required, and the ability to demonstrate, showcase and promote the machines.

Tracked Machines North America and Tracked Machines Italia are going to showcase the advanced technology of the TowTrack and CarMoverXL at the 2023 SEMA Show in Las Vegas Nevada, on Oct 31 thru November 4, 2023. Corporate leadership will be available for any person interested in becoming a distributor or you can contact Tracked Machines North America at (770) 677-5766 or send an email to for details.